PH180 -权力与公平:哲学观点

对种族和民族群体歧视的概念根源的探索, 女性, 还有少数族裔. The course examines the ways in which self-professed ideals of equality have been inconsistently realized; investigates relations between patriarchy, 种族歧视, and capitalism; and considers the role of reason in both advancing and hindering justice and equity. 满足公平和权力:EPG要求. 满足Equity and Power: EPUS要求. (2024-25年度不提供).




术语 Title 教练 位置 学生限制/可用 更新
2024年春季 块5 权力与公平:哲学视角 阿尔贝托Hernandez-Lemus 阿姆斯特朗大厅233 25 / 5 04/19/2024
报告问题 - 最后更新: 04/19/2024