CP115 - Computational Thinking

Introduction to the encoding of information as data and the automation of quantitative reasoning with computer programs. This course covers the basics of the Python programming language with examples drawn from many fields (e.g. chemistry, biology, linguistics, art, music). This is the first course for those interested in computer science. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Quantitative Reasoning requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: FRL requirement.

Degree requirement — Critical Learning: FRL, Critical Perspectives: Q

1 unit — Jackson, Rennie


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2023 Block 1 Computational Thinking Varsha Koushik Tutt Science Building 213 32 / 0 03/11/2024
Fall 2023 Block 3 Computational Thinking Blake Jackson Tutt Science Building 229 25 / 2 03/11/2024
Spring 2024 Block 5 Computational Thinking Danielle Ellsworth, Robert Rennie Tutt Science Building 213 32 / 2 03/11/2024
Fall 2024 Block 1 Computational Thinking Robert Rennie TBA 25 / 25 03/11/2024
Fall 2024 Block 3 Computational Thinking Robert Rennie TBA 25 / 25 03/11/2024
Fall 2024 Block 4 Computational Thinking Blake Jackson TBA 25 / 25 03/11/2024
Spring 2025 Block 7 Computational Thinking Blake Jackson TBA 25 / 25 03/11/2024
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/11/2024